Thursday, January 1, 2009

"Be The Change": Evening of Glamour Is A Chance To Be A Role Model!

Most of my appearances as Mrs. Moore County will always be "in the trenches" wearing a tee-shirt: I will either be running in a relay, or passing out brochures at an event or speaking in a school. But every once in a while, I get to get all "dolled up", put on my crown and sash and have fun being glamorous while I work! Naturally an outgoing person who has never been afraid of the stage, I have found my schedule full of emceeing opportunities. The chance to share my platform on stage in between sportswear competition and evening gown was something I always took for granted until a little girl told me she is so happy I am helping mentor children and that she'd like to do that some day! I realized at that moment thate EVERY CHANCE you have to speak about your platform is a chance to make a difference! And to Hailey (Little Miss NC AllAmerican), who says her mom is the best mentor she could ever have: I can't wait for YOU to become a mentor. Until then, never forget you are ALREADY a role model for other kids your age. Continue to take it seriously!

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