Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Be The Change": Why A Crown & Sash Are Sometimes Inappropriate!

Everyone struggles from time to time, and it is in those struggles that others see who we really are...but it is in other people's struggles where WE see who we really are. As most of you know I grew up with very little, so when I see or hear of someone struggling I am reminded of being that needy child who had fears only a grown up should have. I don't live with those fears anymore, but I do live with a determination to help other children going through that.
The Hand-Up program concentrates on helping families who are facing major struggles. One particular family has 6 children and school is right around the corner. Mom was laid off her job, dad is not present, and the family has nothing. It doesn't mean they aren't capable of great things...they just need a hand-up, not a hand-out.
So how does a beauty queen help? Do I put on my crown and sash and go cheer them up? That's just inane--who cares that you have a crown and sash when they are struggling to get the very basics in life?
So I found a way to make a difference. I got a list of what the family needed and went out as Mrs Moore County to solicit help. I found people were more than eager to help Mrs. Moore County be of help...Kidsville News of the Sandhills donated a Wal-mart gift card. The Pilot Newspaper donated school items and Li'l Branch's Children Store donated school clothes. Communities in Schools helped with the schools supplies. All in all, with the help of others, I made a small dent with my crown and sash. But when it was time to deliver the items, there was no crown and sash in site.
Mrs. Moore County is a servant of the community she represents. She was never meant to truly reign as a I used the crown and sash to solicit others' help, and that was the crown's sole purpose. Queens don't need gratitude, and if you wear your crown on your heart it is visible for everyone to see.
No need to wear it on your head!


Anonymous said...

Wow -- that's really great. It's so neat to see how a position like that can be used and what being a servant truly is. We get so many "this is the way it is" messages from the world on how to live our lives, but it's putting aside those ways and showing who we truly have as the center/focal point of our life that makes a difference. We have to remember -- we're all "paying it forward", but not in this life.
--sent by Bradley Miller through facebook

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this note. You truly have a grasp on what is important in life why we even compete in pageants. I am so proud of you and everything you are doing to help others. Your crown and sash is a tool that can be used to help others and you are an inspiration to all girls on what they can do to be a blessing to others.
-Sent by Melissa Chambers through facebook

Anonymous said...

Wow Bea - that is so phenomenal and exactly how I feel about being a "queen." You make me so proud!
--sent by Deb Dyer through facebook.

Anonymous said...

THAT, my friends, is our Bea, through and through.
Love you, girl...
--sent by Lori Donaudy through facebook

Anonymous said...

Bea, what a noble display of what a true heart of compassion consist are a Queen!!!! Keep up the good work in and outside of your inspire others to do great things!
--sent by Ladaria Richardson through facebook.